Monday, March 26, 2007

Shorewood High School Fight Proves Schools Need Change

Poor Fighting Style a Sign of Inadequate Training

Two students who ‘took it outside’ at Shorewood high school really should have left it in the lunchroom, because the fight was a demonstration of ridiculous fighting styles and poor sportsmanship. If this is not addressed at local high schools immediately, our nation’s youth will never learn how to conduct themselves appropriately. The videotape of the fight shows two students who apparently have some score to settle, perchance the white youngster received his ungainly haircut from the black child’s mother. Or maybe someone was mean-mugging someone’s bitch. Really, the reason for the fight is irrelevant, as was the result, though it does make for humorous video.

The trash-talking leading up to the fight is amateur at best. No mama jokes. No real egging-on. Just a “get it on, get it on” and a “swing white boy, swing” chant yelled by one student. The white student holds up his fists to protect his chest, leaving his body and face open to any shots. A young lady decides to act as referee, which is simply unnecessary in a fight of this nature. A ‘second’ appears for each combatant at some point, as well as a few more ‘shorties,’ while most of the crowd stays nearer to the school building.

When the white boy finally does swing, he seems to throw an underhanded right, not an uppercut or a jab per se, just an honest-to-God underhanded punch, thrown like he is a junior bowler, and, of course, leaving his entire body open to a counter-punch. Of course, he receives no quick counter that could have ended the fight. Rather, the black student grabs him by the head and throws a few right crosses as they begin to roll around. The white boy peppers the black boy with kidney shots akin to the love-taps my wife gives me when I snore too loudly, and the two youngsters roll around a bit, obviously distracted by their inadequate loose-fitting fighting attire.

At some point, as the fight is getting nowhere, two of the shorties decide to kick the white boy. Well, deserved, I’d say, as he threw the first ‘punch’ and now wants to hold on like it’s a slow dance. The white boy is likely not injured by any of the girls hitting him, except for maybe his pride, but that pride is fairly messed up by the black kid’s slap-punches to his face.

The best action of the fight takes place as the white boy tries to flee and actually is able to flip the black boy over as he gives chase. This leads to overhand rights thrown at one another and lots of shirt-grabbing. The punches are very slow and timed like a Michael Richards joke. The white boy eventually tumbles back to the ground and tries a ‘kip-up,’ but fails at that too. Then someone turns on the police lights and everyone scatters like cockroaches along your kitchen baseboards.

Are we teaching our young men to fight like this in schools today? Improper stance, inefficient offense, non-existent defense, females allowed to join in, lethargic effort. You can blame wrestling on TV or too many video games, but the fact of the matter is that these kids couldn’t go into a nursing home and win against a World War II vet. It’s not like you get little video game paddles to control fighting in real life, sonny-boy. Our youth need to learn how to jab to keep their opponents honest. They need to learn how to throw combinations, body-shots, and the occasional uppercut. And by all means, they need to learn how to hit with both hands, and not just hold and hit. Sure, this might look fun on TV, and we can all laugh at the two clowns from Shorewood who fight like fruitcakes, but do you think the Chinese are teaching their kids to fight like this? If our country’s parents don’t have the time to teach their kids even basic fight techniques, then our schools must step in and stress the importance of being able to do something with your hands.